Tuesday, January 2, 2007

One Little Monkey...

Hey, and thanks for visiting us Disney Monkeys! This is Jenn, and i'm one of "The Five" traveling to Orlando this Friday. Guess I'm also the first one to really introduce myself on here...weird.

Anyway, I will be working in a soon-to-be-disclosed location at Walt Disney World as a custodian. (I know, sounds really glamorous huh?) The great part is...It's the job I was hoping for! I mean, seriously, no supervisor over you, more outdoor work, a lot of guest contact. Plus I'm really looking forward to the manual, over mental, labor for a semester (Three years of college does that to you).

Oh, and I have a private blog at this URL if anyone wants to read that as well...
But hey, why read that one when this one here is the best?!?

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